Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Llandudno Head Post Office

At the weekend, I went out shopping in a little Victorian coastal town of Llandudno on the North Wales coast.
I didn't have any letters ready to post (it had been a quiet mail week), but I thought I would take a picture of this postbox I saw. It has seen better days though.
It stands in front of the main post office in the town, quite an impressive building. It was opened in 1904, and had Grade II listed status.
This is the plaque commemorating the architect. 


Weims319 said...

Hi M, I would love to send you a letter, how can I contact you or would you prefer I email you my address?? Stephanie

M said...

I have added my email address to the blog :)

Lisa said...

Do you know the Mitch Benn song, "Llandudno"?

Oh, Llandudno, you're like a wet San Francisco,
Or Las Vegas with more snow, you are you know, Llandu-u-udno!!!

Available now on The You Tube!

M said...

I didn't, but just experienced it.