Monday, 3 June 2013

Old letters

My mother had shredded the letters she had received, but she found the letters I received as a teenager in the late 1980s, some via the International Youth Service (now closed down), and some from schoolfriends who moved away before the rest of us finished our schooling. I wonder what happened to Li Pin in Singapore, Ester in Jülich/Germany, Frederic in Toulouse/France, and Julie in Rouyn-Noranda/Canada. I hope they are all well. I think it may have been me who stopped writing.... I have their letters in front of me.... perhaps if I am curious enough, I could send something to the address they used back then..... maybe I'd hear something back from them.....

May Stats:

Postcards. In - 28, out - 20
Letters. In - 16, out - 14 plus 4 surprises
Birthday cards. Out - 2
Packages - 1 in, 1 out.

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