February came to a close on Monday, and I posted over 40 letters in that month. It was a quieter month than in previous years, when I've surprised almost one new person every day for the month. This time, I've been concentrating on replying to letters because I have been behind on answering missives over the last 9 months or so (family member became progressively unwell, and passed away late 2021). However, I did manage to surprise a few new people, half a dozen across the writing projects. I have my address on a couple of the sites, not publicly, and so far, have received post from 14 new people. Post, especially from overseas, can be a bit slow getting here.
The incoming have been a mix of postcards, wonderful letters, as well as some not as great letters. But that is OK, not everything can be outstanding otherwise there'd be a contradiction and wouldn't stand out. I will start replying to those letters & postcards next week.
The alternate inco site with the year in the url is no longer available. Sometimes good things have to come to an end. I do miss some of the blog posts and comments on there though.