Sunday, 26 December 2021

Sunday Stamps - Christmas

See in on a Postcard sets the Sunday Stamps theme, and today's is Christmas. I hope you've all had a pleasant 25th December.

We didn't put up a Christmas tree this year, although did have a little festive decoration up. I have a USB string of lights attached to my computer, and we have other festive lights up on the dining table. I do still quite like illuminations, cheering up a corner or a street or a square, whether with patterns or shapes*. Long gone are the days I'd be taken to Oxford Street or Regent Street in London and gaze up at the lights or look in the shop windows at their displays. I could spend hours and hours in Hamleys. I think at least one of my string puppets came from there, but hasn't been played with much in over 40 years.

*The lights can be mesmerizing.

Christmas can be full of characters. I haven't read this particular Little Miss, but have read some of the others in the series. I like Mr Messy, which can sum up Christmas Day and neighbouring days, what with food preparation (I remember the first time I cooked Christmas dinner...) and with wrapping/unwrapping...


violet s said...

Lovely tree stamp. I've never heard of Little Miss Christmas.
We have illuminations by the lake a few blocks from my place and I never tire of seeing them. The streets get so dull once the lights on trees and houses start coming down (really they should stay up until the end of February at least!)

FinnBadger said...

Love the stamps you chose for today. I liked the paper cut set that year, although I wish the stamps were larger to appreciate the details better.

Mail Adventures said...

Little Miss Christmas is an unknown character to me. But the stamp looks really nice!

Joy said...

I'd forgotten about the Little Miss Christmas stamp, I think I used up all my Mr and Miss stamps.