Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Decorating letters

 I am not a very good artist (meaning that I do not draw very well), so if I want to decorate letters, I resort to stickers...
That is if I remember to use them, or take them with me when I go to a cafe or somewhere suitable to sit down and write.
Some stickers are holographic, or lenticular, and others are just plain nice.
However, I am a bit miffed as to what there is on this little sheet other than a teapot and teacups...


Pie Poster said...

miffed at the teabags? do you prefer loose tea?

M said...

So it is a teabag, looks bigger than the teacup. I don't mind teabags as such, but I dislike them on string, especially if they are attached to the tag with a staple, not very compostable.

Lisa said...

I think I may have mentioned before that my other half thought the "mystery object" was a rabbit coming out of a photocopier (or something similar).

All teabags in France come with ridiculous strings and irritating tags, although the staples appear to be a thing of the past.