Saturday, 1 March 2025

Happy St. David's Day

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus.

A postbox topper with St. David on
February has ended and has brought to a close another International Correspondence Writing Month (InCoWriMo). I have managed to write at least one piece of snail mail each day of that month. I'm not expecting any surprise letters because I did not publish my postal address. That's OK, as there was someone seeking addresses for a prisoner. I also didn't have my address up via FB penpal groups, though have done in the past. 

In early Feb. Disqus allowed me to post again to the inco address exchange page, after marking my posts as spam in January. However, this week, I wanted to reply to someone's question, but my comment was yet again marked as spam. Irony... seeing as Eric (who owns Inco), neglects a fountain pen forum he also owns. which is full of spam and zero moderation. 

I am still in the process of deleting my Meta content. Social Media has become rather unsocial over the last couple of years, be it politics, unpleasant views, scams (and plenty of those were from "verified" accounts)... 

In removing a lot of my Meta content, I have been reminded of various groups I joined, and posts I've made. One group for penpalling has so many posts in the format of a job application - really! Titled "Penpal application" and it does not suggest a joy of penfriendship. Would you do friendship applications for real-life/in person friends made during school/college years or via employment or hobbies? This application process makes me think letters are a task/chore or essays/homework for school/college. A burden rather than a joyful activity. 

Then, there are the posts from people who cheat the system. Just because a stamp hadn't received a postage mark, they feel entitled to reuse for postage again. Or, in the case of one person, postmarked stamps bought from ebay are "new to her" and she had stuck on her outgoing letters for postage. 

I posted lots of photo content to both Instagram and FB. I do need to organise my digital photos; perhaps some should be printed out. I have taken pictures with smartphones over the last 12+ years, but some of those early picture have been corrupted though for a few, can still see thumbnail images. 

Many of my Instagram posts were of postage stamps, received on post or I've used for postage. One combination was with Captain Mainwaring telling a 007 off: You Stupid Boy! I still have the digital photo files. Maybe I will share some pictures on this blog. 

1 comment:

  1. I have never followed InCoWriMo neither LatterMo. But I have just counted how many pieces of mail I have sent in February: Twenty-six :)

    I laughed about the "new to me" concept of that person buying stamps on ebay.
