Thursday, 19 January 2023

February Letters - 2023 Edition

Want to take part in Incowrimo but can't manage a whole letter-a-day to send? Maybe you could compromise and do this challenge instead. It doesn't matter if you can't do it every day. The main thing is to enjoy writing letters/postcards.

28 challenges for this month, one for each day. When writing a letter, please answer the question or use the writing prompt or do the task for that day, or just pick one you fancy doing (or at random).

  • 1st: What was the last fiction book you read?
  • 2nd: Doodle the weather
  • 3rd: What was the last game/sport you played?
  • 4th: What book(s) are you currently reading?
  • 5th: What was the last film/play you saw in the cinema/theatre?
  • 6th: What is your favourite hot beverage?
  • 7th: Do you have any houseplants?
  • 8th: Do you collect anything?
  • 9th: What has made you smile recently?
  • 10th: What was the strangest/oddest thing to happen to you in 2022?
  • 11th: Write a sentence with your non-dominant hand
  • 12th: Writing prompt: local geography
  • 13th: What languages have you learned (including ones you've learned in school)?
  • 14th: What sort of picture(s) do you have hanging on your walls?
  • 15th: What was the last decision you made with a coin toss (or via random number generator)?
  • 16th: Share an interesting quote.
  • 17th: What outdoor activities do you enjoy?
  • 18th: Do you do any arts and crafts?
  • 19th: What was the last museum you visited?
  • 20th: Write a sentence backwards
  • 21st: What sport(s) do you like to watch?
  • 22nd: Do you belong to any clubs/societies for your hobbies?
  • 23rd: Where did you go for family holidays when you were young?
  • 24th: What are the closest orange, red, and yellow items to you?
  • 25th: When was the last time you got wet in the rain and where were you going?
  • 26th: What was the last music album on vinyl/cd/cassette you bought?
  • 27th: Have you played bar billiards, pool, billiards, snooker or darts?
  • 28th: Do you send postcards while you're on vacation or from somewhere on a day out?


natty68 said...

What a lovely idea and definitely one I shall be including in my letters.

Thank you for this post xx

Mike Lambert said...

These are great prompts. Thank you.