Monday, 29 June 2020

Still writing

Snail mail life still continues. I can write to penpals around the world, postal services permitting. The lovely people at Postcrossing have come up with a Postal Monitor to keep track of service disruptions, and links to service updates on the various postal websites.

Some mail has been delayed, sailing across the oceans. For a while, I was sending most letters to the US via the international economy (surface mail) rate. Mail for continental Europe still had to go by Air Mail.

I haven't been able to buy any of the new issue stamps. The last issue I bought was the James Bond issue, but I wasn't able to get many. Years of buying stamps meant I didn't really need to buy stamps. I might try for the next issue celebrating the music group, Queen.

I have been receiving post. Some has come with slogan postmarks. This one, Let's Talk Loneliness is from this month.

Others have been able to buy the new stamps out in the US. I quite like the new global forever stamp, but it does look a little like something else, unintended.
I also like some of the stamps out of Germany. I wasn't a huge fan of Sesame Street but I did learn things from it.
I think I like most stamps. Look how small the stamp is from Canada!
However, it doesn't have the magic in some of the stamps Royal Mail has produced. There were a few issues for Star Wars but only 1 issue had the magic revealed via UV.
Stamps not only can take letters/parcels through the post, they can take people on a journey of knowledge. I really should read more about John Archer, a mayor in London. Wikipedia doesn't have a lot on him.


Mail Adventures said...

Here the post arrives in bunches, once or, if we are lucky, twice a week. But I keep writing anyway.

Nice post!

jenclair said...

Locally, our post office has been doing a good job, but as a country, we are in a dreadful dilemma. The new Postmaster General wants to operate the USPS as a company rather than a service--causing slow downs in mail. I love postage and letters, so it is distressing to have this become a political problem.