Saturday, 24 February 2018

Final week of InCoWriMo

InCoWriMo-2018 is in full swing and the surprise letters are coming in. Some have made me laugh out loud; some give insights into other people's lives.

I have been chosen because I live in Wales (the sender has connections with Wales) or because I mentioned a shared hobby in the comments.

I have chosen a few by keyword search as well as via hobbies and interests mentioned in the comments or Instagram profile.

I have received my first reply from a surprise, but I have also received a surprise from someone I wrote to however the letters crossed each other on their postal journey.

I have visited family this month so I have had the opportunity to feed different postboxes, much to the neglect of my local boxes. However, I have been using some Post Awyr / Post Brenhinol / Par Avion labels on my overseas letters from England!

I bought more letter writing supplies, including paper and wax seals. I need to write more letters then I can allow myself to buy more paper!

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