Saturday, 23 January 2016

February is nearly upon us!

Today I have been reminded from other blogs that it is National Handwriting Day. I have already done some handwriting as I composed a letter to a penpal. I should be writing more letters later including answering some 5Q5L some people have asked on my snailmail forum. There is still plenty of time to participate this month although I wonder if some members are saving up for the February letter writing frenzy of LetterMo and/or InCoWriMo

I have used up the last space in my address book for one of the letters. Do I start a new address book? I still have the Simon Drew address book my mother bought for my birthday a few years ago, as well as others I have bought along the way but haven't started. I suppose I could do with starting afresh as there are people who've moved or not continued with our correspondence. 


Anna M said...

I have the same address book I've used for more than a decade. I can't bear to get rid of it so when a letter gets filled up, I cover up older addresses that are no longer current with a post it note with a new address on it. This works very well actually as I can remove the sticky note if that address becomes out of date. Maybe you could try that out and see if it works for you.

M said...

I haven't actually started the Simon Drew address book. I started a different one with plenty of space for addresses of several lines long (although there are no lines in this particular book). After writing a few addresses in it, I decided it is not as nice as the Simon Drew or the one I've run out of W space in.