Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Surface mail and other updates.

To recap, I sent out 13 items of post with surface mail postage on 7th March 2014 (a Friday) from the United Kingdom. I haven't heard if 2 of the letters have been received or not... but

11th March - one arrived in Massachusetts.
12th March - one arrived in Toronto
13th March - arrivals in South Africa, Australia, Hawaii, Montreal, Iowa,
14th March - arrivals in Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Texas,
15th March - one arrived in Texas

Good News I should have reported earlier, the 10g worldwide rate has not disappeared to postcards to outside of the UK will be 97p for both Europe and the rest of the world.

With one thing or another... after writing a big batch of postcards for Postcrossing and some letters at the start of March, I haven't written many letters or postcards since, although I am getting back into the swing of things.

March stats:
Postcards: out -58; in 33
Letters: out - 22; in 15

April stats:
Letters: out - 11; in - 12.

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