Sunday, 20 February 2022

Sunday Stamps - N

Today's Sunday Stamps set by See it on a Postcard is N. So, I've chosen stamps shown on some outgoing mail in the theme of Nature, OK, a music stamp sneaked in but nature loves music too. 

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Sunday Stamps - Love / Hearts

 As Valentine's Day approaches, time to celebrate Love and Hearts on stamps, a theme set by a blog See it on a Postcard

The US Postal Service loves stamps and loves issuing love on stamps. So, here is a small selection I have received on letters. 
I don't have a huge choice of Royal Mail issued stamps for the theme, the best I could find was this one celebrating Shakespeare. 
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Sunday Stamps - Winter Sports

Well, the Winter Olympics have started, and I remembered that there are stamps with the games and sports on them. Today's theme is Winter Sports, set by See it on a Postcard
I've watched a few ends of Curling, and think it could be interesting to try. Quite a bit of skill. Fascinated by the way they glide and sweep on the ice. Never played myself but did play some lawn bowls in town several years ago. 

Then, there's the lenticular Alpine Skiing stamps from Finland issued in 2008. I think I have received them all one way or another on Postcrossing postcards. I have never been skiing. Although the hills/mountains near where I live do get snow, in recent years not usually enough for skiing. There are some dry ski slopes within 30 miles though.