Monday, 13 October 2014

Belated stats


Out - 8 letters, 3 postcards
In - 16 letters, 2 postcards


Out - 15 letters, 1 friendship book returned home, 1 birthday card.
In - 8 letters, 4 postcards.

I wasn't free to write many letters in August during the school holidays.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

No loneliness while replying to letters.

 Drawing is not my strong point - writing words is not a problem (most of the time), but making pictures, I am limited to stick people. still this didn't put me off trying to draw the scene in a cafe.
Two people sit at a table and rather than talk to / communicate with each other, they are on their mobile phones playing games and watching videos. Me, I sit there writing to my friends and I do not feel lonely one bit but sometimes glance at those two people, thinking how alone they looked in company.
Here I am replying to a letter, and I use my Lamy pen I had bought for 20p! Bargain.
Nostalgia - having pen pals - doesn't have to be in a bygone age.